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Reimagine Amazon Prime Video

During 2020 pandemic, many states have been issued to stay at home. Many people have turned to online streaming services for their entertainment and a way to relief from  stress during this though time. Provide a reimagine design solution for Amazon Prime Video a simple and efficient solution that can save time to find the shows the users want to watch. Design the mobile app with the 1 week timeframe for completion. Using tools, such as sketch, invision, miro, marvel, zoom, slack, and Google Sheets to organize the overall things to do and datas gathered. 



UX/UI Design, Visual Design


1 week sprint

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"Great shows stay with you."



During 2020 pandemic, many states have been issued to stay at home. Many people have turned to online streaming services for their entertainment and a way to relief from  stress during this though time.


However, with many users are increasing, many users still find Amazon Prime Videos difficult to navigate. Imagine you diving into the ocean to get the shiny sea shell. But no matter how hard you swim, you just goes on and on and on into the deep blue sea.


This is exactly the reaction when a user interact with Amazon’s interface. Both the feeling of drowning in mountains and mountains of contents that makes your head spin. With infinite scrolling that you can never get out.

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Reimagine Amazon Prime Video mobile design with a goal to  improve customer trust and making watchlist more efficient to add multiple shows for seamless back to back experience. 



Provide a reimagine design solution for Amazon Prime Video a simple and efficient solution that can save time to find the shows the users want to watch. Design the mobile app with the 1 week timeframe for completion. Using tools, such as sketch, invision, miro, marvel, zoom, slack, and Google Sheets to organize the overall things to do and datas gathered. 

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