This is the philosophy of a modern medical center that believes all human life is worth fighting for. Founded in 1884 in the Bronx, Montefiore maintains everyone should have access to modern healthcare. Montefiore’s Transplant Center is one of the most advanced in the country. There are currently 1,000+ Montefiore patients waiting for a life-saving kidney or liver. Typically, only 20% will find a donor, often due to lack of knowledge, support and resources.
My aim is to design a digital tool that enables people in need of a life-saving organ to create short, shareable, personalized campaigns about themselves, which they can then share with the world. Ones that match the cinematic quality of our commercials. Ones that are served up in a modern way, emotionally connecting with viewers on a new level—and, while in that state of empathy, even inviting them to get involved. This digital tool kit is for them to tell their stories.
My Role
Visual Designer, Product Design
7 weeks

"Doing More. Live and let live"
This is the philosophy of a modern medical center that believes all human life is worth fighting for. Founded in 1884 in the Bronx, Montefiore maintains everyone should have access to modern healthcare. Montefiore’s Transplant Center is one of the most advanced in the country. There are currently 1,000+ Montefiore patients waiting for a life-saving kidney or liver. Typically, only 20% will find a donor, often due to lack of knowledge, support and resources.
Helped design a mobile tool kit for patients to create their personal stories with a goal to help them find their living donors and supporters
In an effort to find a donor organ, some patients resort to putting a plea into the world. It’s how Adriana’s mother found Nicole, in our story. In the research, I’ve seen everything from crudely designed billboards to emotionally evocative Facebook posts. My aim is to design a digital tool that enables people in need of a life-saving organ to create short, shareable, personalized campaigns about themselves, which they can then share with the world. Ones that are served up in a modern way, emotionally connecting with viewers on a new level—and, while in that state of empathy, even inviting them to get involved.
This mobile app tool kit is for them to help tell their stories.